Thursday, October 25, 2012

Bikers, Minivans, and Gangstas!

"Why hasn't she blogged?" you might be asking. It's because I was kidnapped by a band of musical-loving ninjas who wouldn't let me go until we'd completely reenacted Newsies (which is a totally underrated musical, just sayin'). 

Yeah, that's a round about way of saying I got busy. Sorry.

But fret not, I have been painting! I can't share everything because they're secrets, and... well... the internet is not exactly the best place to hide something. ;) But I can share a couple close ups.

What are these? Don't ask. I'll explain later. ;)

Update on my new (new to me, that is) minivan purchase, it's going great! I love the Toyota--driving it, riding in it, staring at it from inside my house, etc. lol Seriously, no person should be as excited about power windows as me!

I don't see many Toyota Sienna's on the road, so every time I do, I feel like I need to salute them or something like we have some sort of inside secret. You know like how the bikers have a two finger salute for each other: 

Everytime I see a Sienna, I want to do this! LOL!


  1. Haha, Holly you're hilarious! Btw, tell me that first painting is supposed to be Jared, right?

    1. Yep! You're right! Wish I had a prize to give out! ;)

  2. Yeah, you should work on the prizes. LOL!!!

