Sunday, March 10, 2013

Gah! The Pain!

I did something to my right shoulder yesterday. Probably from lifting my screaming toddler off the floor of Barnes and Nobles. For those of you who have been fortunate enough not to witness a tantrum up close and personal, let educate you. It looks a little something like this:

At which point, I was like: 

And so we left... with epic screaming that any soprano would envy. Seriously. My child can make ear drums ring for hours.

I came home and felt like I had a stiff neck which eventually spread all the way down my right arm. I must have pinched something when I picked up the banshee, I guess.

Once things settled down, I was like, "I think I'll paint. La la la! Painting is fun!" And my shoulder was all like, "Ha ha ha! JK! You're not going to paint!" And then I was like, "Yes, I am--oh noes, the paaaaiiiin! Gah!!! I wonder what's on Netflix?"

But I'm better this evening! Sporadic painting has resumed! :) I have some secret projects, but here are some just-for-fun sketches I've been working on. :D

I doubt anyone remembers this, but I did it a year or two ago, and decided to work on it some more. I threw out the whole Indian paint thing and just tried to paint a pretty girl. lol

 Ta da! A pretty girl!

And another sketch. I think she looks angry. I wasn't angry when I painted this, so I don't know why she looks that way... Maybe she just realized that she owes taxes? Or she just stepped on a lego?

Ta ta for now, friends!

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